
  • adventures in chicago-land

    adventures in chicago-land

    Photo by Gautam Krishnan on Unsplash First impression of Chicago? Abject terror. Attempting to merge onto the freeway from the airport on-ramp, we noted the majority of drivers seemed unfamiliar with the entire concept of merging. They did more of a darting, honking and cutting in-front-of-you kind of maneuver.  My … Read more

  • pulling weeds

    pulling weeds

    Photo courtesy of https://www.istockphoto.com/ I don’t even know what these sore muscles making it hard to bend over are called. Back thigh muscles? Haunches? (That one is courtesy of my husband.) The ones that are above but also connected to your calves? Lower butt area? It feels important to know, … Read more

  • Announcements! Announcements! Announcements!

    Announcements! Announcements! Announcements!

     (Anyone else hearing echoes of CampFire Camp? No, just me?) For those of you who have been following me for a while, my most humble thanks and boundless gratitude. For those of you who are new,  a hearty welcome. This has been a place for me to share stories (finding … Read more

  • we watch the dogs

    we watch the dogs

    Photo by Patrick Schätz on Unsplash Parenting is weird. I was led to believe that being a mother would mostly include snuggling up on the couch and reading bedtime stories, frolicking through tulip fields, and then sketching in our nature journals. After this, I would gaze happily at my contented … Read more

  • trail to taylor

    trail to taylor

    Photo by Rosa Rafael on Unsplash Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand….okay, now I have your attention, right? I am so excited to offer this guest post written by my firstborn. She is working on a novel right now (and it … Read more

  • writer’s retreat

    writer’s retreat

    Photo by Olivier Guillard on Unsplash Picture me in this writer’s hideaway. Of course, I am not REALLY there. This picture was taken in Finland, I think. But you get the idea. I AM A SERIOUS WRITER. Welcome to my plaintive missive from the front lines. Yes, that is a … Read more